History of Barcelona (Catalonia-Spain)

The foundation of Barcelona is the subject of two different legends. The first attributes the founding of the city to Hercules 400 years before the building of Rome, and that it was rebuilt by the Carthaginian Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal, who named the city Barcino after his family, in the 3rd century BC. The second legend attributes the foundation directly to Hamilcar Barca.

About 15 BC, the Romans redrew the town as a castrum (Roman military camp) centred on the "Mons Taber", a little hill near the contemporary city hall (Plaça de Sant Jaume). Under the Romans it was a colony, with the surname of Faventia, or, in full, Colonia Faventia Julia Augusta Pia Barcino or Colonia Julia Augusta Faventia Paterna Barcino. Mela mentions it among the small towns of the district, probably as it was eclipsed by its neighbour Tarraco (modern Tarragona); but it may be gathered from later writers that it gradually grew in wealth and consequence, favoured as it was with a beautiful situation and an excellent harbour. It enjoyed immunity from imperial burdens. The city minted its own coins; some from the era of Galba survive.

Some important Roman ruins are exposed under the Plaça del Rei, entrance by the city museum (Museu d'Història de la Ciutat), and the typically Roman grid-planning is still visible today in the layout of the historical centre, the Barri Gòtic ("Gothic Quarter"). Some remaining fragments of the Roman walls have been incorporated into the cathedral. The cathedral, also known as basilica La Seu is said to have been founded in 343. The city was conquered by the Visigoths in the early fifth century, by the Moors in the early eighth century, reconquered from the emir in 801 by Charlemagne's son Louis who made Barcelona the seat of Carolingian "Spanish Marches" (Marca Hispanica), a buffer zone ruled by the Count of Barcelona. Barcelona was still a Christian frontier territory when it was sacked by Al-Mansur in 985.

The Counts of Barcelona became increasingly independent and expanded their territory to include all of Catalonia, later the Crown of Aragon which conquered many overseas possessions, ruling the western Mediterranean Sea with outlying territories in Naples and Sicily and as far as Athens in the thirteenth century. The forging of a dynastic link between the Crowns of Aragon and Castile marked the beginning of Barcelona's decline.

More info in: http://www.wikipedia.com/

Places To Visit in Barcelona

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is located near the Spain's border with France and is, also, a good jumping off place for a vacation in the Balearic Islands or Costa Brava. A city with sea and mountains, nature and culture, shopping and fun, it's a complete holiday's location.

However, we think you will find Barcelona so refreshing and attractive on its own that you may not want to leave it for other destinations. It is a place unlike any other in Spain or Europe.
If you are looking for fun, the whimsical, or a delightful change of pace, Barcelona is a good place to spend a few days. Be prepared to change your pace, as Barcelona is a city that comes alive only at night. Dinner is commonly taken at 10 PM or later and nightlife extends for hours after that.

The Barcelona area of Catalonia has served as a crossroads throughout history and the city has taken on the flavors of the invading cultures. Carthage, Rome, the Visigoths, the Moors and France (under Charlemagne) at one time claimed this area and each of these cultures left lasting impressions on the city. Under Spanish rule, Barcelona was not always been a good place to be, but since the end of the Franco dictatorship, the city has revitalized and taken a leading role in Spain's growth and modernization.

The city has a population of 1.5 million, although the surrounding built-up area is closer to 4.5 million in population. Barcelona, as other cities in Spain, has a crime problem and tourists should be careful in the southern section of La Rambla and the Barri Gotic, especially late a night.

The top places to visit in Barcelona are:

- Las Ramblas Street

- Gaudí's Sagrada Familia

- Gaudí's La Pedrera

- Gaudí's Park Güell

- Barri Gòtic (Old Town)

- Picasso Museum

- MNAC Museum

- Miró Museum

- '92 Olympic Games Zone (Montjuich)

- F. C. Barcelona Football Stadium

I'll give some information about each of those places in the next posts! ;)